The theme for the 35th annual MUNISH conference has yet to be announced.

The selected theme for the 34th annual MUNISH conference, “Multilateralism: Building Pathways to Peace and Security”, aims to highlight the importance and necessity of multilateral cooperation whilst navigating today’s pressing global issues. António Guterres, UN Secretary General, reiterated once the importance and necessity of a “reinvigorated, inclusive and networked multilateralism”. Such a practice suggests that collective commitment and efforts transcending individual state interests are the keys to ensuring sustainable peace and security, in our current world struck by unremitting conflict and instability. In resonance with this theme, careful consideration has been given to selecting the offered committees and councils of this year’s conference, notably with the Security Council and the Advisory Panel on the Question of the Red Sea.

MUNISH 2025 - 35th Annual Session
The 35th Annual Session of MUNISH will be held at The International School of the Hague, The Netherlands.
MUNISH is a THIMUN affiliated conference.